Welcome to the 2020-2021 School Year

Monday 25 January 2021

Monday , January 25th.2021

Language Arts:

- Vista Heights school has started a school wide writing program called" School Wide Write" We used a picture prompt to write about . We  discussed the picture by asking many questions e. g

- What do you know about cats?

- What are cats doing?

- What is cats' problem?

- What would cats see, hear, taste, smell , and feel?

We organized our thoughts on an Organizing Map to use them for writing. Organizing and planning is the key to a good writing.


- We continued practicing multiplication facts .Grade 3s are focusing on 5*5 and grade 4s are focusing on 9*9. Some students are challenging themselves by doing  multiplication with regrouping with 2-3 digits by 1 digit. 

*Keep practicing your  times tables at home *


- Room 3 has been focusing on the use of line in elements of design. We made an "Optical Art " using curved lines and  made. a pattern with warm and cool color pastels. Ask me what are warm and cool colors?


The weather is chilly. Please remember to dress for the temperature (snow pants, boots, mitts, hat, warm jacket)

Hot Soup- Tuesday and Thursday

PD Day is Friday January 29th, 2021- NO SCHOOL

Happy learning with us !